Sunday, November 7, 2010

Robert Griffith guest speaker at Green conference

Systems highlight good management for green roof and environmental projects
‘Building environmental jobs for a profit’ was the topic requested of me to present to the Annual Green Roofs conference held at Adelaide Zoo. I discussed 3 topics, the benefits of green roofs, the risks of not getting it right, and how to install them without the risks.  Numerous speakers provided evidence of the benefits in terms of reduced energy costs, reduced costs of stormwater runoff, the sustainable benefits and the increased Return on Investment (ROI) that having a green roof provides. After the talk a number of the 200+ attendees confirmed that my talk was spot on in a number of areas. Guests understood the importance of clarity in contract documentation. Some firms approached ESD to manage their projects with our Adder 2.0 project control software.  Adder 2.0 provides inspections at critical points for green roofs and provides everything that clients require in terms of project control. Architects expressed their concerns that clients want to short cut the design process and that green roofs need to be specified correctly. I let them know that I can assist them by checking documentation and buildability of their concepts. Contractors agreed that complex projects are given to tenderers with a minimum of time to complete the pricing, often with poor documentation. Specifiers and Architects can contact Robert Griffith at to assist in checking your designs, concepts and ideas on green roof and ecological projects.

Green roof and wall benefits highlighted at the Adelaide conference
Edmund Snodgrass president of Emory Knoll Farms Inc and Raphaell Garcia from Rana Creek Living Architecture both provided impressive demonstration of their green roof businesses in America. They were able to display their impressive projects. Obvious benefits have encouraged their clients to specify living roofs on their buildings on hundreds of projects. Apart from green roofs providing a more aesthetic and biodiverse habitat in their locations a big emphasis was placed on the ecosystem services that green roofs provided. Currently in the centre of Chicago the ‘Uncommonground on Devon’ restaurant ( grows its own organic vegetables and produces its own honey on the roof. In Victoria the The Pixel building by Grocon is our first example of a carbon neutral building.  The living roof treats the water through reed beds and no grey water leaves the building thus reducing sewer flows. Greenroofs also provide habitat for pollinators and insects as a food source for birds. Of course buildings get DA approvals quicker when developers have greenroofs as it does not diminish city greenspace. City heat extremes have long been known to cause death for children and the elderly. It was discussed at the conference that the death rate from recent fires around Melbourne was actually lower than the death rate whenever city temperatures get over 37 degrees. The heat island effect on cities is caused by buildings and roads trapping heat. Green roofs reduce temperatures, even a degree in temperatures can save significant beneficial effect on human health. Global  On financial benefits of greenroofs numerous examples were given of approvals to increase building footprints and building heights when greenroofs were part of the development, increasing the ROI of the development.

Green roof Victoria

Green wall Adelaide Zoo

Panda a major draw card for Adelaide Zoo

Greenwalls make for great habitat around Zoo exibits

Adelaide Zoo interior greenwall